Globale Font Family

Globale Font Family
Globale, pronounced Globaal, is designed in two roman weights with matching italics. Small capitals and old style numerals have also been designed for the roman versions. In terms of style, Australian designer Scott Carslake has managed to capture an elusive appearance which is a blend of humanistic and contemporary sans serif forms, resulting in a unique new series that is very much in step with the latest in typographic trends. Although primarily designed for text application, Globale, with its rather generous x-height, will be equally effective for display work as well. These larger sizes will also benefit from Globale's marginally condensed letterforms which make it an ideal choice when space is at a premium.Whether used in small or large sizes, there is no doubt that Globale provides both legible and attention seeking qualities that is ideal for those dynamic ads. which particularly target the young, fashion minded, generation of today.