Oakes Grotesk Font Family

Oakes Grotesk Font Family
10 TTF
Oakes Grotesk is a more corporate take on the Oakes typeface. It explores a set of brand new metrics that allow it to be more legible in body text as well as headings. The letter 'g' has been tweaked to become double-story as well as the refinement of other characters. This is all whilst maintaining the subtle curves of the Oakes typeface.
10 TTF
Oakes Grotesk is a more corporate take on the Oakes typeface. It explores a set of brand new metrics that allow it to be more legible in body text as well as headings. The letter 'g' has been tweaked to become double-story as well as the refinement of other characters. This is all whilst maintaining the subtle curves of the Oakes typeface.