BC Rebecca Font Family

BC Rebecca Font Family
The Rebecca font family is loosely inspired by the impression evoked by medieval calligraphy and manuscripts. Its inspiration were the Irish-Anglo-Saxon miniscule of the seventh century, the Rotunda script, the Uncial script, the Langobard book typeface, Lettre Batarde and also Literra Beneventana – excellent calligraphic minuscules, which were created many centuries ago by monks at the monastery of Monte Cassino.
The Rebecca font family is loosely inspired by the impression evoked by medieval calligraphy and manuscripts. Its inspiration were the Irish-Anglo-Saxon miniscule of the seventh century, the Rotunda script, the Uncial script, the Langobard book typeface, Lettre Batarde and also Literra Beneventana – excellent calligraphic minuscules, which were created many centuries ago by monks at the monastery of Monte Cassino.