Statistics - Corporate CSV Data Driven Infographics l MOGRT - 31289519

Files Included Motion Graphics Template Files
Software Version Premiere Pro CC, After Effects CC
Resolution Resizable
Software Version Premiere Pro CC, After Effects CC
Resolution Resizable
Save your time building charts with the most flexible infographics library for Adobe Premiere Pro.
Statistics — an infographics library for Adobe Premiere Pro with 10 categories and over 100+ charts and components
Note: This pack contains .mogrt files. Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020 or higher version is required. By the .csv files data import means ability to edit existing .csv files. The maximum value that can be inputted by .csv spreadsheet method is 32768. However, you can add a suffix or prefix to the value(s), that may be special symbol, text, number or all in one.
Maximum amount of rows for horizontal, vertical, dual and area charts — 12.
Responsive design
CSV spreadsheets data input feature
Beautiful animations
Unique and eye catching design
Easy to customize
Control panel , all in one place
Neatly organise
Dynamic data
Expressions driven
Charts included:
Pie Charts
Donut Charts
Horizontal Bar Charts
Vertical Bar Charts
Dual Bar Charts
Area and Line Charts
Titles & Elements
Social Icons