Shape Transitions | Premiere Pro - 38507086

Files Included Premiere Pro Project Files
Software Version Premiere Pro CC
Resolution Resizable
Software Version Premiere Pro CC
Resolution Resizable
Jumping from one scene to another with a simple cut is boring. Add to your videos cool transitions to attract the audience’s attention in a few seconds. Super easy to use in two steps, drag n drop and change colors. So easy.
What is included
300 Shape Transitions
HTML Preview
Video Tutorial
01 Rhombus
02 Rounded Rhombus
03 Circles
04 Square
05 Rounded Square
06 Hexagon v1
07 Hexagon v2
08 Rounded Hexagon
09 Star
10 Rounded Star
11 Bold X
12 Diamond
13 Rounded Diamond
14 Slim Diamond
15 Rounded X
16 Triangles
17 Rounded Triangles
18 Half Circle
19 Drop
20 Eye