Virtual Studio TV Set

CS3+ | 1920x1080 | No Plugins | Universal Expressions | 150 MB
This Virtual Studio 1 is made in Adobe After Effects, use it for TV news, presentations with live person on green screen.
You can replace the background videos with images or your own videos, this template comes in 3 different setups:
one with the tv screen on the left side
one with 2 tv screens
and the last one with a tv screen on the right side.
In the TV screens you can chose to use a video, a picture or the statistics-photo-portrait gadget that you see on the preview video. The template comes with a 1 click color system so you can change ALL THE COLORS.
In the video tutorial( with voice) I show you how to customize the project, how to add the videos, images, text and the logo. I also explain step by step how to render and what settings to use.
The project is updated, now you can use this template for video presentations up to 60 minutes, in this tutorial video you will see how easy it is to change the duration of the video.
CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6 and CC Compatible
Resolution: 1920X1080 Full HD
Video tutorials
Works Pc & MAc
Different Color Version Download