Zayed Brochure 643644

Zayed Brochure 643644
24 pages Indesign Document | A4 size | Compatible with Adobe Indesign CS4, CS5, CS5.5 & CS6 &CC
Includes .IDML file | Paragraph and Character Styles | Edit brand colors through palette | Master Pages
Cover in Master Page | Text and Images on separate layers | Uses free fonts | Photographs Not Included | 11.8 MB
24 pages Indesign Document | A4 size | Compatible with Adobe Indesign CS4, CS5, CS5.5 & CS6 &CC
Includes .IDML file | Paragraph and Character Styles | Edit brand colors through palette | Master Pages
Cover in Master Page | Text and Images on separate layers | Uses free fonts | Photographs Not Included | 11.8 MB