La Beneama Magazine 933855

La Beneama Magazine 933855
This La Beneama Magazine was designed as an universal magazine template with original structured editorial layout. Template can be easily used for many editorial contents like portfolios, fashion design or minimal elegant design.
This La Beneama Magazine was designed as an universal magazine template with original structured editorial layout. Template can be easily used for many editorial contents like portfolios, fashion design or minimal elegant design.
32 Pages A4 & US Letter Size
Easy to add more pages
Stylish Layout
Paragraph Styles
Print-ready with bleed
Auto page number
Master pages
Headers and footers
Easy adjustable colour swatches, with 1-click colour swatch change (InDesign feature)
Professionally typeset
Guides and margins
Super clean and professionally designed document
Compatible with InDesign CS4 and up (Created in CS6)
Includes .IDML file (for versions under CS6) Download