A Q U A landscape brochure

A Q U A landscape brochure
Print dimensions: US Letter (8.5 by 11.0 inches) and A4 DIN (297 x 210 mm), landscape format | Print ready, CMYK, 300 DPI, bleeds 40 unique layouts | Automatic page numbering | Character style | Edit brand colors through palette |Images, texts and graphics on separated layers | Easy to customize | Free fonts and images used | 39.4 MB
Print dimensions: US Letter (8.5 by 11.0 inches) and A4 DIN (297 x 210 mm), landscape format | Print ready, CMYK, 300 DPI, bleeds 40 unique layouts | Automatic page numbering | Character style | Edit brand colors through palette |Images, texts and graphics on separated layers | Easy to customize | Free fonts and images used | 39.4 MB