Business Card Vol. 3 2356286

Business Card Vol. 3 2356286
This original and elegant business card will definitely enhance the quality of your business image. Excellent colors composition and original design will make it unforgettable.
Please note, that in this series there are other items and will come new ones soon. I am really glad that my work drew your attention.
This original and elegant business card will definitely enhance the quality of your business image. Excellent colors composition and original design will make it unforgettable.
Please note, that in this series there are other items and will come new ones soon. I am really glad that my work drew your attention.
Adobe InDesign CS3 and higher
90 x 50 mm (3.5 x 2 iches) + bleeds 4 mm
Ready for print (300 DPI CMYK)
Organized Layers
Paragraph Style
Colors defined as swatches
1 *.indd file with 6 pages - 3 avers versions and 3 revers versions
1 *.idml file with 6 pages - 3 avers versions and 3 revers versions
1 *.inx file with 6 pages - 3 avers versions and 3 revers versions
1 *.PDF file with instruction
1 *.PDF Help file
All icons and badges included