NOMADE Proposal Template 2972977

NOMADE Proposal Template 2972977
This template has been designed to be as flexible as possible for a variety of different creative fields. Sections include: Cover Letter, Our Process, Our Team, Our Services, Portfolio of Works, Case Studies, FAQs & Terms of Service.
As always this design features a strong grid layout and gorgeous colour palette. I've used soft gold/bronze colours for this design, but you can easily change to suit your needs using the Paragraph Styles.
28 page Indesign Document
Portrait Orientation
2 sizes: A4 & US letter
Compatible with Adobe Indesign CS4, CS5, CS5.5 & CS6 &CC
Includes .IDML file
Paragraph and Character Styles
Easy to change fonts and colour palette
Golden colour palette
Aligned to a 12 Column Grid
1 x Master Pages
Pricing Tables
Layered document
Uses free fonts