Hasia - Lifestyle Magazine 2723823

Hasia - Lifestyle Magazine 2723823
Lifestyle Magazine - Hasia
HASIA Lifestyle Magazine has been hand-crafted to present your articles and ideas beautifully. Designed with general lifestyle content in mind, layouts cover everything from fashion spreads, products launches, music, makeup advice, recipes, travel, interiors, profiles, interviews, photo essays and much more. The layouts included are fully editable and can be swapped, changed and combined with minimal effort.
This fully realised template features modern layouts, built with grids and perfectly aligned typography. If you’ve wondered how magazine spreads can look this good, the secrets are contained within these pages. Baseline grid, 12 column layout, automatic page-numbering, this template is carefully constructed to make best use of the software.
Suitable for printing, emailing or presenting online as a flip book.
International A4 & US Letter sizes included
All artwork and text is fully customisable; edit the typography, wording, colors? and layout. Each template uses a strong baseline/document grid which will allow you to edit or add to the layout very easily.