Embroidery for PROCREATE X5 5555767

72 BRUSH STITCHI present to your attention a product imitating embroidery. It has a wide variety of stitches for almost any kind of embroidery. Cross stitch, satin stitch embroidery can be combined or used independently. Try to misbehave and paint as if you were painting or applying back-to-back strokes. a very interesting effect is obtained, just in the trend of the last few years in painting. I also recommend using the symmetry feature and drawing a mandala to a new level. It's very nice to see how a blanket or handkerchief is darned on your iPad. Many of these brushes work well for lettering. Remember those 90 jeans logos that were embroidered on the leather? What about custom clothes? Images drawn with these brushes can be printed on cotton, paper, leather. Ideal for fashion illustrations, clothing designers, shoe bags and textile designers.