GraphicRiver - Portfolio Brochure InDesign Template v2 10491396

GraphicRiver - Portfolio Brochure InDesign Template v2 10491396
InDesign INDD | CS5+ | 300 DPI | 8.27x11.69 | CMYK Color | Print ready | RAR 37 MB
Portfolio Brochure InDesign Template v2 Creative, Clean and Modern Portfolio Brochure Template, ready to use for “Corporate, Business, Multipurpose, Designing Agency, Creative Agency, Graphic Designer, Web Designer – Portfolio, Works Samples, Proposal, Catalog Template etc. Ready to use for Multipurpose uses. Used latest design style and easily photo changes option. Adobe InDesign, IDML for InDesign CS4 and lower version and PDF files inclued, so all files are Fully Editable. Also help “Notepad” file included.
Portfolio Brochure InDesign Template v2 Creative, Clean and Modern Portfolio Brochure Template, ready to use for “Corporate, Business, Multipurpose, Designing Agency, Creative Agency, Graphic Designer, Web Designer – Portfolio, Works Samples, Proposal, Catalog Template etc. Ready to use for Multipurpose uses. Used latest design style and easily photo changes option. Adobe InDesign, IDML for InDesign CS4 and lower version and PDF files inclued, so all files are Fully Editable. Also help “Notepad” file included. Download