Glitching Brushes for Procreate 2851348

Glitching Brushes for Procreate 2851348
Brush Brushet | 17 Mb
This set includes 23 items. It's a versatile collection of texture brushes, stamp brushes and pattern brushes aimed to give any graphic an 80's/90's old TV look and suitable for the Procreate app. They are inspired on the kind of things an analog television did when it was experiencing technical difficulties.
Brush Brushet | 17 Mb
This set includes 23 items. It's a versatile collection of texture brushes, stamp brushes and pattern brushes aimed to give any graphic an 80's/90's old TV look and suitable for the Procreate app. They are inspired on the kind of things an analog television did when it was experiencing technical difficulties.
What you get,
10 Procreate Texture Brushes
11 Procreate Stamp Brushes
2 Procreate Pattern Brushes