Photoshop Sketch Effect Creator 6284312

Turn any photo into a colored or graphite pencil sketch in under 2 minutes with this Photoshop Sketch Effect Creator.
Just Add Your Photo.
Simply place your photo into the smart object and just wait for the effect to be applied. No brushes or actions needed.
6 Levels of Details.
Hide layers of sketching details to fit your needs.
10 Paper Textures.
Use any of the 10 realistic paper textures to make your artwork extra special.
20 Layer Masks (JPG).
Replace the layer masks with any of the 20 JPGs
Adobe Photoshop is required to use this effect creator, please be sure you have a copy of the software before buying this product.
What's Included:
Sketch Effect Creator Horizontal PSD file (4032 x 3024)
Sketch Effect Creator Vertical PSD file (3024 x 4032)
20 Layer Masks (JPG)
10 Paper Textures (in PSD)
6 levels of Details (in PSD)
PDF Sketch Effect Creator Guide