Anaglyph Glitch Photo Effects Pack - 7487134

Get a beautiful effect of an anaglyph 3D glitch applied to any image or a typography composition in seconds! So trendy today, digital glitch effects would brilliantly work with your editorial artworks, creative advertising, print, music album, book covers, and whatnot!
Does it matter that the PSD template is built on the complex mix of the RGB channels shift, blur filters, and more? Not really, because thanks to the Photoshop Smart Object feature, it is easy to use:
Open the smart object.
Replace the placeholder layer with your content.
Close the tab with saving.
The package includes 5 photo effects to get a unique color distortion render for your artworks. Apply to your image and pick the effect that fits your project best.
Package includes:
A neatly organized PSD mockup template with anaglyph glitch photo effects.
300 DPI print-ready PSD mockup.
5 various RBG glitch effects.
Illustrated how-to-use guide.