GraphicRiver - Oil Painting Photo Effect 13468585

This action will work with every photo you use. But, I recommend you to use high resolution photos, if you wanna achieve high quality results. This action is surprisingly easy to use & it has all necessary options for customization. This action works in a non-destructive way to achieve a high quality look. So, the original image layer will remain unchanged. This action is exclusively designed for photographers & graphic designers. It’s a must have for photo effect lovers. The photos used in the image preview are not included for download. Used for illustration purpose only.
Photoshop ATN | CS+| RAR 3,99 KB
Photoshop ATN | CS+| RAR 3,99 KB
Oil Painting Photo Effect
Save your time, simplify your works! You do not need to spend lots of time to create these complex effects manually
This action will automatically create lots of graphic elements, effects and also some adjustment tools that will enable you to easily customize the look
User’s guide included in readme file
For the best result, it is recommended to use high resolution photos around 1000 – 2500 px (min 72dpi)
This action has been tested and works on photoshop CC
Non-destructive effect, easy to use photoshop action
Well organized layers and folders>
Photoshop ATN
Readme Download