Sketch Charcoal and Chalk Photoshop Action - 16982842

ABR, ATN | Minimum Adobe CS Version: CS3
Sketch Charcoal and Chalk Photoshop Action will help you to create artistic design from your photos. You will save hours and hours of work.
Sketch Charcoal and Chalk Photoshop Action will help you to create artistic design from your photos. You will save hours and hours of work.
Technical Details:
This action has been created and optimized for use on Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC (PS computer) and only for the English version of photoshop.
Easy to use.
Well organized layers on final results.
Full color customization.
For obtaining the best result use a photo (image) with resolution 300 dpi.(pixels/inch) and the image size (pixel dimensions) around 1300 – 3500 pixels. Download