Battleground Flame Phtoshop Action 840356

Battleground Flame Phtoshop Action 840356
A professional Photoshop action template. Create awesome realistic flame effect with gaming look. Inspired from Battlefield game cover. Realistic fire and sparkle brush used on this action. You need just one click to get this effect. The action has been tested and working on Photoshop CS4,CS5,CS6,CC+
A professional Photoshop action template. Create awesome realistic flame effect with gaming look. Inspired from Battlefield game cover. Realistic fire and sparkle brush used on this action. You need just one click to get this effect. The action has been tested and working on Photoshop CS4,CS5,CS6,CC+
Open Actions Panel (F9 / Window –› Actions);
Load action and brushes (you can just drag and drop them in PS)
Open your picture (best sizes are 1500 - 4500 px);
Create new layer, name it "brush" (all lowercase);
Paint your object on created layer;
Play the action, wait few minutes, until action ends;
You can set motion blur. Download