Actions for Photoshop / Neverland 878791

Actions for Photoshop / Neverland 878791
The "Neverland Actions Collection" allows you to create your own photo style! You can create an unlimited number of custom combinations for your images. All actions are layerable, mix and match them to your taste! Improve your portrait photo retouching skills with this pack of 111 Workflow Photoshop Actions!
The "Neverland Actions Collection" allows you to create your own photo style! You can create an unlimited number of custom combinations for your images. All actions are layerable, mix and match them to your taste! Improve your portrait photo retouching skills with this pack of 111 Workflow Photoshop Actions!
Neverland Workflow Collection
Miracle Lights Actions
Author's Essential Recipes (30 actions, bonus collection)
BASIC ADJUSTMENTS One Click Solution, Auto Color Balance, Auto Levels, White Balance / Cooler, White Balance / Warmer, Highlights Protection, Brighten Shadows, Boost / Contast, Smart Clarity, Spotlight, Noise Reduction, Smart Sharpness / Custom, Convert to Black & White
ARTISTIC BASE ACTIONS Little Princess, Cinderella, Pure Beauty, Wonderland, Precious Baby , Fairy Tale, Magic X-Process, Jungle Woods, Lullaby for a Princess, Angel Eyes, Bleached Elegance, Vintage Baby, Retro Feelings
ARTISTIC COLORING Matte Effect / Light / Classic / Strong / Vintage, Wonderful Blue, Caribbean Yellow, Ruby Queen, Fabulous Green, Curious Violet, Sweet Honey, Heavenly Blue, Lovely Red, Moss Green, Warm Peach, Rose Pink, Cool Cyan, Curious Sepia, Lime Green, Delicious Violet, Vintage Coloring / Set of 5, Artistic Toning for B&W / Set of 9
ADDITIONAL EFFECTS Make it Vibrant, Soft Focus, Smart Clarity, Black Vignette, White Vignette, Blurred Vignette, Spectrum Vignette
ESSENTIAL BRUSHES Soft Skin Brush, Backlight Skin Brightener , Selective Lighten, Selective Darkening, Selective / Background Blur, Deep Intense Colors, Selective Desaturation Brush
LIGHTING EFFECTS Sunflare Effect/Top Left, Sunflare Effect/Top Right, Sun Glow Effect/Custom Location, Sun Stream Effect/Custom Location, Sun Rays Effect/Custom Location, Top Light Haze/Custom Location Download