Lovely Oil Painting Effect Actions 884892

Lovely Oil Painting Effect Actions 884892
If you need a product that will help you speed up your workflow, and add lots of creativity to your Photos, then this is the product for you.
If you need a product that will help you speed up your workflow, and add lots of creativity to your Photos, then this is the product for you.
1 Click Actions.
Easy to use.
Fully Editable.
Realistic Oil Painting Effect
3 Lovely Smudge Brushes Included.
Compatible with Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop CC 2015.1 (November 2015 release).
The Actions require CameraRaw 7-8 or 9 in order to work.
The actions require the Oil Paint filter, which means that the actions will work in Photoshop CS6 and in Photoshop CC 2015.1 (November 2015 release). Download