Graphicriver Cinemagraph Photoshop Action with Color Adjustment 15210812

Graphicriver Cinemagraph Photoshop Action with Color Adjustment 15210812
There are 2 actions INCLUDED – one for older (and non-extended) versions of Photoshop and another one for CS6+ extended, so everyone is covered.
There are 2 actions INCLUDED – one for older (and non-extended) versions of Photoshop and another one for CS6+ extended, so everyone is covered.
CINEMAGRAPH is a living moment in an otherwise still photograph. It exists in the world in between a photograph and video to bring to life the image and make it last forever. It is usually several seconds long, and looping. My examples here are only 1 second long, yet you can already see the artistic effect achieved. The best length is around 5 seconds. Longer videos will be very heavy, so try to keep it short. Download