ATN, PAT | CS6+ | 85 MB
First of all i have made some changes in the action kit so now should you be able to make much more than 5400 different combinations if my math is right :)
ATN, PAT | CS6+ | 85 MB
First of all i have made some changes in the action kit so now should you be able to make much more than 5400 different combinations if my math is right :)
Photoshop actions is a big part of my design process when i have to deliver something fast but it still have to look good. Therefore have i made these action haltone combined with real life textures
These presets save me a tone of time when i am in a hurry All i have to do is select the different actions i will use and press the buttons and photoshop will do the rest of the work for me. when the resualt is finish i can change the print colour with a actions presets Works only with CS6 and above
What you get:
Textures.pat that contains the 30 textures
Halftone Print Texture Action Kit.atn. file this contains=
Smart Objet
Ruggen edges (Ripple edges)
30 X Action texture presets
5 x Outline Action presets
Lines Horizontal from 2X Small to Large
Lines Diagonal from 2X Small to Large
Dots Horizontal from 2X Small to Large
Dots Diagonal from 2X Small to Large
Ellipse Horizontal from 2X Small to Large
Ellipse Diagonal from 2X Small to Large
2 Halftone Sketch
Diffusion Dither
50% Threshold
Bonus Action = Change print colour Works only with CS6 and above
1. Make new file and past you artwork in to it or use a already existing file. selecet the artwork you want to give the effecst.
2. Now Follow the Steps Step 1: Give use the Smart Objcet Action and if you want give Ruggen Edges - Step 2: Select a texture - Step 3: Select a outline (if you don't want i outline it is importen that you select the none outline action) - Step 4: Select the halftone action presets you want to use
3. Now will Photoshop make an new file where you can see the finish result and if you wnat to you can apply the Change print colour action to the print (Works only with CS6 and above)