Time Saving Tech Logo Mock-up Vol.1 446671

PSD | CS6 | 300 DPI | 3500 x 5500 px | 43 MB
Time Saving Tech Logo Mock-up is our first step of taking logo mock ups to its revolutionary next level. With our partner Designertale we are giving the logo designers the opportunity to concentrate solely on designing the logo by providing a quick logo showcasing presentations where they do not have to put together different mock ups making one presentation template. We are making ready made industry based logo presentation mock ups that will save your time making the presentation of your different industry logos. We will keep covering all the industries like: Accounts & Financial, Fashion, Medical, Technology, Education, Art & Culture, Internet, Real Estate and Mortgage, Business & Consulting, Physical Health, Sports, Construction, Travel etc.
1 PAGE PSD file.
Edit content via Photoshop Smart Layer Feature.
300 DPI High resolution 3500x5500 pixels.
Change background color or background image with automatic perspective via Smart Objects.
Clean and realistic look.
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