Fish & Seafood Restaurant Mock-up 641014

5 PSD | 500 MB
High quality and realistic mockup. With this files can create personalized product with custom design. Mockup works only with Photoshop (.PSD files). Files are really easy to use. Guide file is always included.
High quality and realistic mockup. With this files can create personalized product with custom design. Mockup works only with Photoshop (.PSD files). Files are really easy to use. Guide file is always included.
5 psd files, 4x 3500x2500 px & 1x 8500x6500 px, 72 dpi
editable elements: business cards, paper bag, letterhead, pencil, menu, rectangular coaster, napkin, circular coaster, dinner plate, placemat, cutting board
noneditable elements (only scale move, rotate, switching on/off): lemon, pepper bowl, ginger, cutlery, crab, leaf, clams, 3 fishes, prawn, mushrooms, spoon, knife, basilicum
changeable colors, ability to put your own design on elements (smart objects included)
you can scale and rotate elements Download