Frame Mockup - Valentine`s Day Theme 1240973

Frame Mockup - Valentine`s Day Theme 1240973
These styled stock photos with Valentine`s Day theme of a picture frame are perfect for you to use for your website, social media & digital marketing. You can easily replace the artwork from the smart object, use your favourite filter and post on Instagram and Facebook or use for your website as a hero header / blog post.
These styled stock photos with Valentine`s Day theme of a picture frame are perfect for you to use for your website, social media & digital marketing. You can easily replace the artwork from the smart object, use your favourite filter and post on Instagram and Facebook or use for your website as a hero header / blog post.
What`s in the download file:
4 PSD with Smart Object for the artwork
4 6000 x 4000 300dpi flat Jpg`s (no text)
Frame size 15x20cm
BONUS 4 styled photo with the same theme Download