Travel Mug Mock-up 1470980

Travel Mug Mock-up 1470980
PSD | 49 MB
Replace invaluable time and expensive photosessions with product mock-ups to get what you need in minutes. Our mock-ups are great selling tools.
PSD | 49 MB
Replace invaluable time and expensive photosessions with product mock-ups to get what you need in minutes. Our mock-ups are great selling tools.
3.psd files (Photoshop)
User Manual
You can choose color and edit design on editable elements (smart objects, color pickers)
You can change all design parts (front, back)
You can turn on/off all mugs
Special feature: 2 additional backgrounds included
You can stay with white background, change color or tun it off
Invaluable for to design or to showcase your project to the Client
Realistic effect thanks to unique technology of blending and great shadows effects
Well organized layers Download