Squar Business Card Template 607656

PSD 11.05 MB
• 2 Files (PSD): Front / Back 3.5 inches x 2 inches (with bleed 0.125 inches 3.75 x 2.25), 300ppi CMYK • Front and back designs, Fully layered so you can easily change color, style, text or replace image with smart object and with clipping mask • Include bleed, trim line and safe zone • Text is editable • Fully Customizable • Premade Design • Print Ready 300dpi and CMYK • Can be printed with MOO, Vistaprint and Miller's Lab
INSTANT DOWNLOAD - Files can directly download after purchased or can be sent instantly after payment to your email.
TERMS OF USE • This is digital product no physical item will be sent • Due to the nature of this product, all sales are final. • Because this is digital item no refunds are available under any circumstances. if the product has a bug problem or error, i will immediately update product and send the updated version to your email • It is prohibited to share, trade, redistribute,resell or claim the template or deisgn as your own • The Mockup used for the card is NOT included
You Must have basic knowledge of photoshop to edit this template
HOW OF USE •For Change picture, logo or qr code just double click the layer which has smart object in group folder which is highlighted with RED color , then place your photo, logo picture or qcode image there •For Edit text just simply using text tool, the editable text are placed inside group which is highlighted with YELLOW color
DONT have photoshop or dont know how to use photoshop? don't worry i can edit the template for FREE
What Can I Edit for FREE:
-Text/Info -Picture/Logo/QRCode -Color -Font (Free Font Only)
simply by send me following info
-Your info such as Name, job, phone, address, website and email -Provide me your photo or logo which you want be included in the card -Tell me which font you prefered (Free Font Only) -If necessary tell me the color you prefered for the card such background, border color or icon color
Due the nature of the product i can only customize you that following item
nitroflare.com: Download