YOLO SHOP 2057338

YOLO SHOP 2057338
PSD | 28 MB
YOLO is a fresh ,modern and juicy Responsive PSD template(includes Desktop HD and Mobile version) for shops . With this design your content will shine all across the web and pages will grab your visitors' attention and never let it go.
PSD | 28 MB
YOLO is a fresh ,modern and juicy Responsive PSD template(includes Desktop HD and Mobile version) for shops . With this design your content will shine all across the web and pages will grab your visitors' attention and never let it go.
Includes (11)pages: main page,about us,bucket,cart,catalogue,contact us,menu,pop-up,sales,subscribe,sign up. All components are well-organized, carefully named and grouped.
Features: -Pixel Perfect Design -All Layers Carefully Named -Used CocoGothic-Light_trialand free google font Roboto & Brightness Colors .Also we have a great gift- our stock photos .You can use them in your design.