Art Text 4 5052587

Art Text 4 is graphic design software for Mac tuned for creating text effect and text style-based graphics. The app contains a multitude of text design presets and effects to help you create visually enhanced photo captions, logos, newsletter and flyer headings, presentations and even movie titles.
·Unique 3D Engine. Type a text in Art Text, and watch it instantly create a 3D model from a user-chosen typeface.
·Bump Map Technology. Add and fine-tune bumps and wrinkles on a 3D text surface to simulate the natural roughness of brick, ice, rust metal, etc.
·Reflection Mask Tool. Maximize surface roughness authenticity with Reflection Mask, which defines reflective and non-reflective areas. It is especially useful for rusty, decayed or scratched surfaces.
·Environment Textures. Environment texture is a great way to simulate reflections from external sources.
·Light Options. Control the way 3D text is lit by moving spotlights and changing light colors.
·200+ Material Presets. Creating high-quality 3D typography is simplified with material presets. Each preset is an exclusive combination of texture, bump map, environment and light options.
·Soft Shadow. Activating the shadow option will drop the natural shadow of a 3D text object.
·Glow Effect. The 3D glow effect makes bright surface areas literally radiate.
·Parallel Projection. See how 3D object view transitions from Perspective to Parallel projection instantly.
·Facebook 3D Photo Export 3D text in the format suitable for Facebook 3D Photo.
·Spray Fill. Populate text with over 440 photo objects to simulate the effect of words being laid out with such objects as coffee beans, color balls, autumn leaves and clouds.
·Distortion Effects. Edit fonts beyond common typeface options to wear out text sides, create random holes in the body, partially dim text and much more.
·Shading Materials. Create convex and embossed text effects or replicate a gleam of light on text.
·Twist and Bend. Transform text shapes with any of the 24 transformation patterns.
·Text Outline Effects. A common set of effects includes: Shadow, Glow, Inner Shadow and Stroke.
·Brand-new rendering based on Apple Metal.
·180 text design templates.
·122 style presets for quick text effects.
·750+ supplied smart shapes, vector icons, symbols, signs and hand-drawn shapes.
·150 masks.