Ice Chrome Photoshop Layer Styles - Frozen Metal Text Effect 18759353

Ice Chrome Photoshop Layer Styles - Frozen Metal Text Effect 18759353
PSD, ASL | 8.3 Mb
PSD, ASL | 8.3 Mb
-10 Photoshop Layer Styles,(+1 bonus for falling snow effect) unique and exclusive for this marketplace
– The Styles are already divided in 2 Sets for small and big resolutions (however they can be scaled to infinite, like a vector)
– These Layer Fx are useful when designing flyers, videogames, posters and making typographic effects
– They’re easy to use, you don’t need any skill with Photoshop: just open the panel Window > Styles and Load the set. In one click you can apply the effect to shapes and texts.
– 2 Photoshop .psd files included
– Compatible with Adobe Photoshop CS2and superior in every language.