Creative Elements and Format Painter 583704

Use it for your Presentations, Infographics, Projects, Reports, Magazines, Header images, Power Point presentation, Product mockups, etc.
I was inspired by the very Creative Market while making this project. Once I was searching for the ready-made samples, templates, icons for my presentation, I have found it all here. I was influenced by the works of other designers and then I came to an idea to create my own unique product which can help the process of design producing to become more interesting and easier!
“Creative Elements and Format Painter” includes mock ups for designing presentations and magazines, fonts, maps, color palettes and many other things. Due to this set of creative elements designers and presentation decorators could quickly pick up an appropriate color for their works, easily define the tables’ style in the accounts, use the samples of ready-made booklets and digests. Besides ready-made visual means, this work also contains dynamically changeable diagrams, where you can fill in your meaning and use the one preferred in your project. Not only Gannt chart is included for designing the calendar plan of the project but also the automatic account with dynamic speedometer. Download