Social Network PowerPoint Vertical 708212

Social Network PowerPoint Vertical 708212
This ‘Social Network PowerPoint Vertical’ is a A4 (vertical) type illustration design-based presentation template suitable for IT related presentations. Using the A4 sized vertical template will enable you to include a lot more information on each slide and explain with more details. With the pastel tone colors and hand images are appropriately used to give fun and attractive looks and help deliver messages more effectively. Each slide contains various diagrams, graphs, text boxes, maps, tables and etc., which will be found useful when emphasizing and pointing out important and key information.
This ‘Social Network PowerPoint Vertical’ is a A4 (vertical) type illustration design-based presentation template suitable for IT related presentations. Using the A4 sized vertical template will enable you to include a lot more information on each slide and explain with more details. With the pastel tone colors and hand images are appropriately used to give fun and attractive looks and help deliver messages more effectively. Each slide contains various diagrams, graphs, text boxes, maps, tables and etc., which will be found useful when emphasizing and pointing out important and key information.
– 35 slides
– PPTX files
– All elements, colors, shapes and charts can be modified and edited easily
– Slide Size: A4 Download