PowerPoint - Inara 2674564

PowerPoint - Inara 2674564
Your next great presentation is only minutes away with the ‘Inara’ template. A modern elegant design aesthetic will impress your clients and win business quickly and easily. Get a jump-start on your next project with the expertise of a design professional behind you.
All elements and text are fully customisable; edit the typography, wording, colors? and layout inside PowerPoint. Each slide layout uses a strong template grid which will allow you to edit or add to the design very easily.
ONE of the following Software Packages required:
Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or above
50+ Slides
PPT and PPTX Files included
Screen Ratio 16:9 - FULL HD
Modern design based on Master Slides
Drag & Drop Image Placeholders
Vector Mockup Devices (Tablet, Phone etc.)
Perfectly Aligned Typography
All Elements Created and Edited within PowerPoint
Typographic, Clean Modern Layout
Very Easy to Edit with Extensive Help File PDF included
Only FREE Fonts Used