JPG | 25 MB
JPG | 25 MB
This listing is for a bundle of 16 styled office photos. Show off your love for a gorgeous office space with a bright collection of images
Styled stock images are for creatives and business owners looking to enhance their brand with multi-use professional images that can be overlaid with text or design PDFs for stunning home page banner images, header images, social media and even cropped into custom website buttons and design accents. So many uses for just one product.
SHOW OFF WHAT YOU DO BEST: When turning lookers into customers, the first impression of your product is of the utmost importance. Give your website or online shop the look of professionally styled product photography with a styled image that can be overlaid with text for a beautiful banner image or overlaid with a digital pdf of your prints, stationary or flat paper good designs to market your products beautifully.
PRODUCT DETAILS: This listing is for the instant download of 16 high resolution jpeg images shown at print quality approximately 5700 x 3800 pixels in size. All advertised files are zipped together and uploaded. When you upload a .zip file, you can "see" what's inside. On the product sidebar, under "File Types" you can click "All Files" and it will display all the files in the .zip.
THE FINE PRINT: The purchase comes with a non-exclusive limited use license so that the Purchaser may use the image for personal or professional use in the normal course of Purchaser's business. Purchaser may crop the image and overlay the image with text or pdfs of product designs as fits Purchaser's needs; as well as transfer to black and white if desired. Rosemary Watson | Productions remains the sole and exclusive owner and holder of the copyright in the image and the Purchaser may not sell, lease, loan, transfer, assign, or give away the image or otherwise allow a third-party to use the image in any way.