Big Social Media Bundle #1 1659969

Big Social Media Bundle #1 1659969
JPG | 263 MB
JPG | 263 MB
I'd like to introduce you something new! It’s Social Media Bundle (100+images) for all types of your online activities. It will make your life much easier. What do you think about it? Comments are greeting!
You know – I am a styled stock photographer. Of course, I have tons of beautiful photos. As entrepreneur, I try to use Instagram to promote, my business up. I know how hard it can be sometimes. Sometimes you just don’t know what to say at a moment, because all your thoughts a somewhere else. Regular household duties, or some technical issues, even your cat may scream aloud with no reason that you will never focus at all. We know that we have to make an IG post at least once a day, better – 3 times a day (Thanks for @twiggyposts and @Rosemary Watson for great IG tips!!!). And every time you have to think about what to post. You google for some interesting quotes, and every time making a hard choice which of your photos to go right now. And then you realize that there is Pinterest you have forgot about. Beautiful a Pin is a real thing! Then try to remember about Facebook and make smth in the same style as in all other social media. Oh! Your blog already needs a new post! Wow! You have only one head, ok?
That is what this bundle about. I went through all of it. I feel it. I made this bundle for all types of your social online activities.
Instagram? Yes! Pinterest? Yes! Facebook? Yes! Personal website? Yes! Blog? Yes!
All of them will look great and you won’t have this bad feeling about you didn’t do what you had to.
Beside of photos I’ve include a list of inspirational and motivational quotes for your Instagram or Pinterest. Also I’ve made a list of different topics you can tell people about in your blog or IG. It’s really convenient. Try it out))
What about photos? Ok, this bundle includes 60 square images for Instagram (so you can easily post them twice a day). Also 10+1Bonus Facebook covers to accomplish one style look for your brand in different social media. Let’s go ahead, 4 color palettes and 3 mood boards for Pinterest (in JPG format) to catch an attention of your target auditory. Moreover, bundle includes 12 full size hi-rez photos for your personal site or 12 blog size images to post.
So you’ll receive:
•60 square photos for Instagram
•10 Facebook covers
•4 color palettes for Pinterest
•3 moodboards for Pinterest
•12 fullsize photos for site
•12 blog-size images
•List with motivation and inspiration quotes
•List with 20 post ideas for your blog or Instagram