Professional Dashboard UI Kit - CM 1984763

Professional Dashboard UI Kit - CM 1984763
DASHBOARD DESIGN PACK for Photoshop. WHAT IS PACK? Complete design system • Customizable • Ready-to-use. Massive collection of fully customizable UI components, closely related to each other and combined on different levels, regarding systematic design principles. Ultimate tool to start designing in system or boosting up your working process at any stage, from prototyping to stylization. PART 1: Template: Ready-to-use dashboard templates ... PART 2: UI Kit: UI components: navigation bars, sections, lists, charts and content blocks. ... PART 3: Styles: Typography and color systems, Layer styles: fills, borders, dividers; UI elements (Buttons, Inputs, Icons)
DASHBOARD DESIGN PACK for Photoshop. WHAT IS PACK? Complete design system • Customizable • Ready-to-use. Massive collection of fully customizable UI components, closely related to each other and combined on different levels, regarding systematic design principles. Ultimate tool to start designing in system or boosting up your working process at any stage, from prototyping to stylization. PART 1: Template: Ready-to-use dashboard templates ... PART 2: UI Kit: UI components: navigation bars, sections, lists, charts and content blocks. ... PART 3: Styles: Typography and color systems, Layer styles: fills, borders, dividers; UI elements (Buttons, Inputs, Icons) Download