208 Textures Megabundle

This is a HUGE BUNDLE that simply cannot be missed. In one pack you get precisely 208 High Resolution
Textures from 6 different texture packs (split over two parts, please purchase part 2 here: https://creativemarket.com/Layerform/54447-208-Textures-Megabundle-Part-2), bundle into one set that is MUCH cheaper than purchasing them all separately. In this pack you get access to the following:
- 44 Wood Textures - https://creativemarket.com/Layerform/52307-44-Wood-Grain-Textures
- 50 Vintage Wood & Acrylic Textures - https://creativemarket.com/Layerform/28979-50-Vintage-Grain-Textures
- 20 Folded Paper Textures - https://creativemarket.com/Layerform/44043-20-Folded-Paper-Textures
- 10 Concrete & Stone Textures - https://creativemarket.com/Layerform/47522-10-Concrete-Grunge-Textures
- 20 Leather Textures - https://creativemarket.com/Layerform/43068-20-Leather-Pro-Textures
- 64 Watercolor Brush Stroke Textures - https://creativemarket.com/Layerform/44946-64-Watercolor-Textures
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