Acid Wash 296136

EPS, PNG | 300 DPI | 334 MB
Acid Wash is an unique system of making own Acid wash and bleached textures in Adobe Photoshop. I was inspired of contemporary fashion /bleached and acid wash fabrics are everywhere. Therefore, I decided to make some textures ready to use in digital. My goal was to create such textures, that could be used in various kind of design - backgrounds, web graphics, print graphics, lettering and etc. So I bought some acid and started experimenting. Many clothes were destroyed until I found right way how to make it. Firstly, I took old t-shirts and drip some acid/bleach on them. It looked great, but if I scanned it to the computer, i was upset. A texture of T-shirt was so heavy - it was breaking my hardly made acid textures!!! Well, I had to start again. I took some paper, inks and acid. And it worked. Best thing, it has still looked great after scanning, so I was again on right path to success. Download