55 Vector Brushes 2321481

55 Vector Brushes 2321481
PNG Ai EPS | 403 Mb
PNG Ai EPS | 403 Mb
This collection contains high quality, realistic and detailed vector brushes for Adobe Illustrator - effective and easy to use.
The collection also includes the original vector strokes to use in their original format simply by copy and pasting them into your graphics.
There are also large PNG images included (7016x4904 pixels, 600 dpi) for any non vector users.
What's inside?
55 Brush Strokes Library - to install in Adobe Illustrator;
The Original Vector File (Contains all 55 Vector Stokes, AI and EPS format);
10 Large PNG images containing all scanned strokes (easy to use in Adobe Photoshop and other raster based programs);
Quick and Easy to Understand Instructions (PDF) how to install the Brush Library in Adobe Illustrator.