EPS PNG | 62 Mb
EPS PNG | 62 Mb
This collection of 63 vintage farm and agriculture graphics were sourced from an antique catalog (owned in-house) published in 1911. They were scanned, edited, and traced into vector form, and cleaned up without interfering with the integrity of the antique images. Included are spurs, pulleys, saddle, cowbell and more. Each graphic is provided in a vector .eps file (CS2+), as well as individual .png files at approximately 6" (1800 pixels) at the tallest or widest point with a transparent background. These are wonderful images that can be used for many different types of projects including logo, t-shirt, and card design.
Graphic List
bridle bit, 2 bushel baskets, butcher's balance, butter churn, caster wheel, cider mill, corn sheller, 2 cow bell, cowboy bit, curry comb, dairy pail, dairy thermometer, double pulley, farm bell, feed tub, garden plow, grain cradle, grass roller, grist mill, halter chain, harness snap, harness, 2 hay carrier, hitching ring, hoist, hook ring, horse brush, horse collar, horse halter, horseshoe, litter carrier, loading block, milk can, oil can, 4 pulley, rake, riding saddle, rope sheave, skidding tongs, spring balance, 2 spurs, step ladder, 2 tackle block, 2 Texas spurs, turkey bell, 2 wagon trucks, wagon, watering can, well pump, well wheel, whip, wire basket, zinc bushel basket
The .eps files were created in CS6, but saved in CS2 legacy format.
The files are black, but can be colorized in your graphics program.