Natural & Soft Lightroom Presets

Introducing the 10 Natural & Soft Lightroom Presets, a versatile collection that enhances the beauty of your outdoor photos. With this mobile preset, you can achieve a clean and natural beige filter that creates a light and airy look. These presets are perfect for Instagram influencers and lifestyle bloggers who want to elevate their photography game. Your purchase includes 10 Lightroom Mobile Presets in .DNG files and 10 Lightroom Desktop Presets in .XMP files, along with a Step by Step Installation Guide. Compatible with the FREE Lightroom App on both iPhone and Android, and also with both Mac and PC for your convenience. These presets are downloadable upon purchase, allowing you to instantly upgrade your outdoor photographs. Let 10 Natural & Soft Lightroom Presets transform your images and showcase their beauty to the world.