BLACK INK WASHES VOL. 02 - 2222069

BLACK INK WASHES VOL. 02 - 2222069
JPG | 1.43 Gb
Introducing the results of The Shop's most recent play session with black ink and paper: the black ink wash textures, volume 02!
This pack includes a series of 11 black ink wash textures, focusing on making the results as dark and painterly as possible.
JPG | 1.43 Gb
Introducing the results of The Shop's most recent play session with black ink and paper: the black ink wash textures, volume 02!
This pack includes a series of 11 black ink wash textures, focusing on making the results as dark and painterly as possible.
After scanning the textures in at very high resolution, they are processed to fit a canvas roughly equivalent to 18"x24" @ 300 ppi. Other than resizing the textures, the editing process includes light color corrections, and straightening.
Additionally, the set also includes a version of the textures post-processed as negatives of the original ones. This gives them either a grainy, cement-like aspect, or in some cases, the aspect of bleach on colored paper. The negatives are obtained using adjustment layers (curves, black & white) in Photoshop CC, maintaining a non-destructive workflow.
Eleven (11) original, hand painted, ink wash textures
Positive, and negative textures, for a total of twenty-two textures (22)
7926x5468 pixels @ 300 ppi (above 18"x24") Download